Eight Tiny Reindeer


Schmitz ’N’ Giggles Announces Holiday Whodunit: Eight Tiny Reindeer
Original Online Comedy Thriller to Premiere This December
Milwaukee, WI: Schmitz ’N’ Giggles to offer a new take on holiday tradition and classic
mysteries with this unique virtual production.
From the creative team behind Rudolph the P*ssed-Off Reindeer and Romeo and Juliet: Kinda
Sorta comes the comedy/thriller Eight Tiny Reindeer, which will stream December 18-19.
When Santa crashes in the Adirondacks, his sleigh team finds their way over the wreckage and
through the woods to a seemingly deserted cabin. Stranded, they begin to learn the secrets
Santa kept, and it’s beginning to look a lot like danger. But whose hooves are pulling the
Featuring a different cast for each show, Eight Tiny Reindeer will showcase a total of thirty
actors from the Milwaukee area. Shows will be at 7:30 both nights with a Saturday matinee at


Schmitz ‘n’ Giggles Presents COMEDY SIX PACK

ComedySportz Garage 420 South 1st Street, Milwaukee, United States

Schmitz 'n' Giggles Presents: COMEDY SIX PACK: A Video Comedy Sketch Show
"6 Packs, 3 Different Shows, 1 Hell of a Good Time!"
$10 entrance fee (cash or card at the door)
Comedy Six Pack is a Video Sketch Comedy Show born out of trying to make comedy together while we all had to stay apart.
Six team captains invited 6 people to join their "pack" of six. Each pack then had to create (write, direct, perform and record) six original comedy sketches over the course of 2021.
The six pack shows will be live presentations of these recorded sketches. Each show features 2 packs (12 sketches) so each show is totally different! Join us for all 3!


Sketch 22 (#30)

ComedySportz Garage 420 South 1st Street, Milwaukee, United States

TICKET LINK: https://sng.regfox.com/sketch-22-30?fbclid=IwAR2cHvRL3-Tn8A9_3IuooPS7yBZdnreXToLqrfDyHXfkbNTQYEOB8xmN63g Sketch 22: #30 A comedy sketch show put together in 22 hours! Writing teams meet Friday night to write an original comedy sketch. On Saturday, directors pick …

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Comedy Comes in 3s

Comedy Sportz 420 S 1st St, Milwaukee, United States

Comedy comes in 3s: a series of unrelated improv scenes. there are 24 people involved and the improvisers pick names so 1,2 & 3 do an improv scene for 3 …

Comedy Comes in 3s Read More »
